Parth Kharkar
When I came to know about Paathshala from one of my friends and the way teaching happens at Paathshala, I regretted why I joined my institute [Institute name is being kept confidential] which I later left and joined Paathshala. The way me and my batchmates were taught was fabulous. The professors actually created interest in academics. Because of Paathshala, I actually scored very well in my exams. The way we were guided and given tips for problem solving is very good and confidence-boosting
Secured Admission At Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Technology (VESIT) for B-Tech
Alumni Spotlight
- At VESIT, Parth served as the Junior Deputy Secretary of the SoRT Council
- SoRT VESIT is spearheaded by a group of socially enthusiastic students, primarily focusing on empowering the unprivileged throughout the academic year. Every year, the team encourages and sensitizes students in order to motivate them to assist others, in order to proceed in tandem, toward the better
- SoRT VESIT collaborated with various NGOs to sell their products at their college, thereby, raising funds for them
- Some of the NGOs include:
NASEOH, Chembur ● Self Esteem, Airoli ● Balanand, Chembur ● Khula Aasman, Chembur ● RUR, Mahim ● Aseema, Bandra ● Snehalaya, Thane ● Kshamata, Thane
(Parth is 4th from Left in the Standing Row)