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Devansh B

B-Tech | IIT Bombay

Irrespective of the exam I was preparing for, be it JEE Main, JEE Advanced, BITSAT, I was mentored and guided by the Paathshala professors about how I can crack the exam with ease. They taught me how to manage time effectively while solving questions. The professors cleared all my conceptual doubts in such a way that I could apply the concepts effectively while solving numericals

Devansh’s Tips to JEE Aspirants – study all the concepts that are part of your syllabus without leaving anything. Revise whatever you have learnt thoroughly and solve as many numericals as possible

Secured Admission At IIT Bombay for B-Tech in Energy Sciences

Alumni Spotlight

  • Devansh completed his Research Internship at Stockholm University, Swedan
  • He has also done his Research Internship with Purdue University, United States
  • Devansh served as an Editor of Insight, IIT Bombay’s Official Student Media Body

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