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Our Story

Every Story Starts At The Beginning. Our Story Starts Here.

Minutes Taught
Amazing Educators
Years Spent Educating and Empowering
Course Modules

Mission And Vision

“We aim to transform with utmost efficiency, each student, into the intellectually best version of themselves, with the underlying purpose of giving them the best possible chance of excelling in the career of their choice”.

“In the process, we also provide career guidance, life coaching, and motivation coaching”.

About Paathshala EduCare

We, at Paathshala EduCare, strive to redefine traditional education systems, which have, most often favored students who are perceived to be sharper and smarter. We strongly believe that every student deserves a fair opportunity to receive the best quality education and the right guidance from the right people, as that will enable the student to achieve his/her potential.

Mission and Vision

“We aim to transform with utmost efficiency, each student, into the intellectually best version of themselves, with the underlying purpose of giving them the best possible chance of excelling in the career of their choice”.

Let’s keep Redefining Education With Paathshala!
We are all in this together!

Message from Paathshala EduCare

We at Paathshala EduCare, are proud to be a team of dedicated individuals focused on providing the best possible chance for any student to achieve his Science career-related dreams. For this, our team of Professors, Administration Executives, Student Welfare Counsellors, Academic Counsellors, Graphic Designers, Content Executives et cetera work tirelessly, often around the clock.

We hope to be a part of the successful future of you and your child. We believe that success will follow us when we lead many a student into achieving his own dreams and goals in life. We try our best to motivate each young mind towards conceptualizing a career and marching towards conquering it.

The years bygone have seen Paathshala executives and personnel taking care of each student’s needs and welfare by going out of the way to do so.
We take this opportunity to sincerely commend their efforts. We are also obliged and very thankful to the many parents who have encouraged us from our nascence and students who have studied sincerely with us with supreme dedication.

There are a few things that our great nation of India is proud to have and a couple of them are the IIT JEE Advanced and the Pre-medical Entrance Exams. These exams have been sacrosanct in deciding the country’s future and we are proud to be a part of the process that creates enlightened knowledgeable individuals, not just in bookish consistency but also in practical, rational, logical, imaginative thought, creative enough in dealing with new problems of the modern post-industrial post-technological era.

We also nurture those talented students who may have been from a poor economic background and hence could not possibly afford the urban, technology-enhanced education that we specialise in offering. We have proudly helped numerous such meritorious kids.

We believe in honesty over delusion. If a child is not capable, due to any reason of cracking the entrance exams/Olympiads/ competitive exams or of performing well, we believe in stating that honestly in our Student Reports issued periodically. Parents are advised to understand that each and every kid isn’t meant for an intellectually stupefying career path, some can be more artistically inclined or in today’s day and age, may find new and alternative career routes, previously unheard of. To guide the students aptly, we have a dedicated post-exam counselling session after all the exams of the XII standard are over, which helps the student determine his/her exact goals and focus on them with pinpoint accuracy.

Our work leaves us prideful, joyous and fulfilled and hence, here we mention it with our heads held high.

We wish you the very best of success in all future endeavours, and sincerely hope to be an integral part of your smile, on result day.

Paathshala EduCare

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